All of our reports are clear and easy to read and are available usually within 48 hours. You will also receive a complete verbal report before the inspector leaves.
You want to ensure you are getting exactly what was expected. Resicert Handover Defect Inspection Services are the professionals with the experience you need.
Handover Defects
Complies with Australian Standard AS 4349.1-2007
Onsite Inspection by a Licensed Building Inspector
Verbal debriefing for questions and clarifications after inspection completed - - Insulation and ductwork
- Foundation Structure
- Internal Wall Structure
- External Wall Structure
- Ceiling Structure
- Roof Structure
- Roof Covering - - Internal Roof
- Insulation and Ductwork
- Ceilings
- Walls and Floors
- Doors and Windows
- Fixed cabinets
- Roof Covering
- Roof Drainage
- Eaves & Cladding
- Patios & Pergolas - - Residual Current Devices (RCD’s)
- Smoke Detectors
- Fixed Appliances
- Power points
- Lights and Switches
- Ceiling fans
- Exhaust fans
- Heat lamps
- Air conditioners - - Hot water System
- Toilets
- Showers and Bath tubs
- Sinks and Cabinets
- Checking Drainage
- Plumbing fixtures
- Water Supply - - Carports
- Retaining Walls
- Surface Drainage
- Fencing
- Garages & Sheds - - Check for moisture or dampness in walls, floors and ceilings
- - 25+ Pages Photos
- Detailed Photos
24 hours Delivery

Why Resicert
- 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.
- Constant communication through all steps of the inspection service.
- Fast response and turn around times within 48 hours.
- Digital report (with photos) which fully complies with Australian Standards AS 4349.1-2007.
- Clear and easy to understand report.
- More than 20 years experience in property.
- Ongoing support for any future queries.
- Customer Satisfaction is our number one concern
- ISO 9001 quality certified
- Required insurances and coverage in place