Newsletter Issue 7

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  • Insulating Your Home for Energy Savings

Insulating Your Home for Energy Savings

As co-founder and CEO of Resicert, I am dedicated to helping you leverage your property inspection and get the most from your home by knowing how to keep it safe, well maintained and efficient.

If you are looking to improve the efficiency of your home, a great place to start is to look closely at one of the largest sources of energy use – heating and cooling. The cost to heat and cool your home accounts for approximately 30% of your energy bills on average; more than this during the peak of summer and winter. Heating and cooling costs are high because most homes are not designed to maintain temperature. There are many areas throughout a house where air can enter and exit and typically there is very little to stop the flow of air. As a result there is an almost constant need to pump more warm air in during winter and blast the air conditioner all summer.

One of the simplest ways to significantly reduce this cooling and heating energy usage is the proper use of insulation. Your home may already have some form of insulation but do you know if it does, where it is located and if you have the optimal amount? Having insulated walls is great but what about the ceiling? The other thing to consider is what ‘R’ rating your insulation has. The ‘R’ rating is used to measure the density and effectiveness of the insulation. A rough rule of thumb is that for every 50 mm of thickness the insulation gains an ‘R’ rating of 1.0. The higher the number, the more effective it is!

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October 24 2016 - 04:20 AM