Homes that are less than six years require a Builder Warranty Inspection. This is an inspection to ensure the builder did what he was contracted to do, and did it right. There are two main reasons for having a builder warranty inspection.
Builder Warranty
Complies with Australian Standard AS 4349.1-2007
Onsite Inspection by a Licensed Building Inspector
Verbal debriefing for questions and clarifications after inspection completed - - Foundation Structure
- Internal Wall Structure
- External Wall Structure
- Ceiling Structure
- Roof Structure
- Roof Covering - - Internal Roof
- Insulation and Ductwork
- Ceilings
- Walls and Floors
- Doors and Windows
- Fixed cabinets
- Roof Covering
- Roof Drainage
- Eaves & Cladding
- Patios & Pergolas - - Residual Current Devices (RCD’s)
- Smoke Detectors
- Fixed Appliances
- Power points
- Lights and Switches
- Ceiling fans
- Exhaust fans
- Heat lamps
- Air conditioners - - Hot water System
- Toilets
- Showers and Bath tubs
- Sinks and Cabinets
- Checking Drainage
- Plumbing fixtures
- Water Supply - - Carports
- Retaining Walls
- Surface Drainage
- Fencing
- Garages & Sheds - - Check for moisture or dampness in walls, floors and ceilings
- - 25+ Pages Photos
- Detailed Photos
24 hours Delivery

Why Resicert
- 100% money back satisfaction guarantee.
- Constant communication through all steps of the inspection service.
- Fast response and turn around times within 48 hours.
- Digital report (with photos) which fully complies with Australian Standards AS 4349.1-2007.
- Clear and easy to understand report.
- More than 20 years experience in property.
- Ongoing support for any future queries.
- Customer Satisfaction is our number one concern
- ISO 9001 quality certified
- Required insurances and coverage in place