October 24 2016
As co-founder and CEO of Resicert, I am dedicated to helping you leverage your property inspection and get the most from your home by knowing how to keep it safe, well maintained and efficient. [...]
September 18 2016
Here at Resicert, we understand that many businesses, particularly those involved in real estate transactions, rely heavily on word-of-mouth and referrals. We are driven to provide excellence in property inspections so that you can [...]
September 17 2016
As co-founder and CEO of Resicert, I am dedicated to helping you leverage property inspections to your advantage. When we talk with clients one of the key concerns is safety. Everyone wants to ensure [...]
August 23 2016
As co-founder and CEO of Resicert, I am dedicated to helping you leverage property inspections to your advantage. One area I see where people think they can cut corners is in regular termite inspections. [...]
June 10 2016
As co-founder and CEO of Resicert, I am dedicated to helping you leverage property inspections to your advantage whether you are a buyer, seller, agent or lender. Property transactions are often the single largest [...]
May 6 2016
With the purchase of a home or the building of a new one there are two main things that take place by the parties involved. Someone has to come up with some money and [...]
May 1 2016
We are currently in a buyers market so if you need to sell your property you'll need every advantage you can get to make your property the one that gets sold. When preparing your [...]